Meet the Teaching Students With Dyslexia Team!

We’re here to help! An exciting update on Matthew, 17, who I’ve been working with since August 2020.

Matthew spent 4 years in a specialist school for dyslexic learners, only to still be non reading- it's a terrible fate. His mother had to sit with him to complete all his school work.

Matthew was terrified of meeting yet another new tutor, this time with Zoom, and I had an accent. However, despite these challenges my teaching style and approach worked! I remember our first lesson. I chatted with Matthew, and as he talked, I typed our conversation. Next, I emailed this conversation to him and asked him to read it.

I recall watching both mother and son panic. Luna, Matthew's mother eye's enlarged, shoulders hunched, as we waited for Matthew stumbling response. I felt Matthew's panic all the way from Houston to New York.

Immediately, I changed my instruction. "Don't read it," I said, "just circle all the words you know."

The stress factor immediately dropped degrees, as Matthew picked up a pen and began circling words. Before long, he was reading every word, and every sentence.

After completing this task, Matthew beamed. Giving students courage and finding how they learn is the most important part of our program.

Since then, we have worked together in reading poems, listening and reading books, and writing sentences. Matthew now reads everything in front of him. He no longer needs his mother to sit with him AND he copes in school. That's the best of all!

Struggling with a child like Matthew?

Meet Khushboo, one of our three founders who works to make sure every child has the opportunity to feel courage and confidence in the classroom.

Khushboo Chabria

Business Development Specialist

Deeply passionate about diversity and inclusion, Khushboo is a Neurodiversity Specialist and a Transformational Leader, on a mission to advocate for and help provide access to high quality services for neurodivergent children and adults. Khushboo aims to make a meaningful impact in the world through education, empowerment, authentic engagement and unbridled compassion.

With varied experiences in supporting neurodivergent family members, working as a therapist and clinician, studying Organizational Leadership and discovering her own ADHD, Khushboo brings an interesting mix of skills and experience to this field of work. Besides being a COO and Business Development Specialist for Teaching Students with Dyslexia, Khushboo also sits on the board of a nonprofit called Peaces Of Me which is focused on increasing the access to resources, information and support for individuals with disabilities. Khushboo is currently a Program Manager, Job Coach and Facilitator at Neurodiversity Pathways - a social impact program under the Goodwill of Silicon Valley focused on educating and supporting neurodiverse individuals to help launch their career and organizations to integrate them into the workplace. Supporting her mission to inspire and improve the intentional inclusion of neurodistinct individuals in the workplace, Khushboo is also completing her dissertation on the supports necessary to increase the psychological safety of neurodiverse talent in the workplace.